Monday, September 21, 2015

September... ?!

It's hard to believe it's nearly the end of September already. The summer has simply flown (mostly because it took place during two weeks in April) and a scattering of days here and there. But like most summers, most of my time has been spent in the garden, even if that time has been cold and wet. And while I watched horizontal sheets of cold rain beating down, things did grow. Amazingly. Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me. Flowers and vegetables I've never grown before, took off with little or no effort, while my courgettes (something I've never thought much about) failed was simply too cold.
So it has been a long, busy summer, in spite of the challenging weather. And like every summer (other than the zine fair) the art side of things, has been quiet-ish. I have been sneaking in some filming and I have a loose outline for a performance piece, but no drawings as such. I suppose, at the moment, I am at a thinking/planning/research phase in my own work, which is just as important as work WORK.
Anyway, here's a quick recap of what I've been up to:

The young garden, beetroot, fennel and onions. All of which looks more like a jungle now.

Field orchid

Trip to Kylemore Abbey <3 p="">

Aloe in the walled garden

Our usual entrance, and probably the reason why I am obsessed with *that* colour.

Patricia Piccinini' s magical show Relativity, part of the Galway International Arts Festival

Achil Henge, much more impressive than I was led to believe.

Fifth annual Dublin Zine Fair, two wonderful days spent in Dublin

Boo, with the zine hoard.

Scabious and heather

Bare ridges, waiting for garlic planting season.

What I think is Cladonia floerkeana, after it's spores have formed and finished.

Fox Moth baby

Boo, soaked from the long grass

Heart shaped cloud, because life is good!

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